
While growing up in Yellowstone, I also spent a lot of time in Bozeman, Montana (the big city!).  Because I went to a Montana high school and was full of nationalistic sentiment for my school, (schoolistic sentiment?  scholastic? I’m not sure of the equivalent adjective of “nationalistic” that could convey the same narrow-minded devotion to one’s alma mater), I fully considered myself a Montanan (despite the fact that I went to sleep every night in my house in Wyoming).  My parents later moved to Bozeman, and I’ve spent a lot of time toodling around Montana.  As my almost-homeland, I’ve read a lot of beautiful books there.  Unfortunately, I didn’t really start keeping good notes about the books I read until the spring of 2011, so the list of bloggable books I first read in Montana is fairly short.  I’ll try to reconstruct my memory, or else to go back and give the books a re-read so I can do them justice here.

Daniels, John: Rogue River Journal: A Winter Alone

Eco, Umberto: The Name of the Rose

Gilbert, Elizabeth: Eat, Pray, Love

Pamuk, Orhan: Snow

Steves, Rick: Travel as a Political Act

Tolkein, J.R.R.: The Silmarillion

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